I assume this is a common blogger's delimma: Who's your audience? I woud guess that successful bloggers - and writers in general - know their audience and consistently write to them. (I know this because my lovely parents paid a lot of money for me to be an English major at the University of Vermont.) Successful bloggers understand their brand. I'm still working towards my Professionalista brand. As a person, I've got it down - so why is the blog challenging? Busy life? Stresses? Pshaw.
I'm a Gemini; honestly, I am of two minds. I love being professional, work-oriented and tailored. But I'm also quriky, slightly vapid and pretty darn snarky. So here's what I'm thinking: I'm going to start a second blog. (I already know what I'm going to name it. I always wanted to be a headline editor. I like naming things.) The SECOND blog will be my professional self and this blog will dwindle into inanity.
I'd appreciate any thoughts.