I work in a dog-friendly business located in a dog-friendly building. The people who work there are dog friendly. There is no better friendlier work environment to bring a dog (unless you maybe work in a field or at the beach or some other place that is like dog heaven). You'd think that I could have a dog that would fit into this atmosphere because, well, it's dog friendly. Do you understand?
My first attempt at combining dog and work was with our adopted Rat Terrier Rudy (aka The Rat Terrorist). For about four months I faithfully brought Rudy in and tried to get him to fit in with the other dogs (the friendly German Shepherd finally had to chomp his ear and put him in his place). And then he pooped in the boss's office a couple times (just because Rudy had to establish that HE was the alpha dog). Finally, he attacked the boss's dog, a quiet old black lab in the last months of her life. Before I got fired, I made the switch and Rudy got to stay at home in his cage with a peanut-butter Kong. I think he was just as happy.
Not to bring you down but we had to "put Rudy down" (Ugh) several months ago. We were all kind of sad without a nasty little dog. Except for the cats. The cats were very happy. But since we never listen to the cats, we adopted Ginny. She's half Rat Terrier/half Chihuahua. Small: she's 12 lbs. Cat friendly. Not a nipper or a big yipper. Everyone at work adores her. She sits on the boss's lap and kisses him. She lets everyone rub her belly. She doesn't attack the other dogs. Bliss.
Naturally, Ginny is now banned from the office. "What?!" you say? How can this be. When the FedEx man came to drop off packages on Monday, she got kind of worked up and when he put his booted foot out (which I am sure he is taught to do around nasty little dogs), she bit his shoe. Bit his shoe!
Why can't I choose professional dogs? I think it's a character flaw of mine.
Oh no! I can't believe Ginny would do such a thing! First the chipmunk, then the FedEx man. And I sure do hope the cats came out of hiding. She's too cute to have a mean streak.
Posted by: Maria | 09/09/2010 at 08:54 PM