I'm sure your mom did it. A favorite teacher? He did it. Your most-respected supervisor ever? You know she did it. Let's do it!
I am talking about complimenting; sharing of praise; thoughtful commenting. To say something positive about someone's work costs nothing. It's hardly even an effort. Try this: as you're walking by a co-worker who took one for the team and wrote the committee report say, "Hey, Dorcas, that was a great report you wrote. Thanks for doing that."
If you're a boss and have an employee who works hard, even if he has not done something spectacular recently, at the end of a weekly meeting say, "Hey, Chuck, I appreciate your work. Keep it up!"
There are many articles in HR, training and management magazines about the entitled generation - those Gen Y'ers who have supposedly grown up on praise just for the sake of praise - praise that is not merited. But here's what I think, if this is true, so be it: throw 'em a bone. "You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" the old idiom goes. You don't have to give them an expense account, a logo tote bag or an extra .5 hours of CTO time. You just have to make them aware that you care that they are working at your company.
Now you'll have to go excuse me while I go tell my 18-year-old what a great job she is doing sitting in the sun reading a book and my 15-year-old son how amazing he is at sitting in his air-conditioned room listening to music.