I just attended a film festival hosted by B's school. One of the teacher's is an actor as well as a thoughtful teacher and he has a great interest in engaging kids through video work - whether it's stop-action animation (that's B's favorite), music videos, comedic scenes or longer more intricate scenarios. The Savoy in Montpelier donates the space each year and all the families show up to laugh, be amazed and sometimes quite moved.
This school that Blake goes to - Centerpoint - is made up, like any school, of caring teaching professionals. Their expertise is the foundation of what they do but, honestly, it's the kindness and compassion they show every day that truly creates the positive experience for students with vastly different abilities. These teachers seem to know exactly how to come to each student with what he/she needs.
I've been asked to speak at the transitionn ceremony next week. I'm honored. And I think I know exactly what I'll talk about.