Did you know that men without facial hair are perceived to be more approachable? (Well, women without facial hair too - but we're not going there.) It seems somewhere in our primitive brains that we interpret facial hair as a disguise - something not to be trusted. Go figure.
So all you guys who are reading this (is one of the five people reading my blog a guy?) take note: If you are in a profession that entails working with people, needing to build rapport and relationships (banking! sales! social services!), you might want to consider nixing a heavy mustache and/or beard.
Now, I must say, on my own behalf, that I am partial to a clean, square jaw. But in recent years, I am digging the goatee/minimal mustache combo. Some guys look great with this. But there are some dudes that rock this look that could totally go clean shaven. Others...not so much. These men are wise to judiciously use the facial hair. It's like camouflage - goes a long way to enhance a minimal chin or cover up a thin upper lip. Women don't have this option. It's a mixed blessing.
I hope you won't think too terribly of me if I confess that I'm pretty sure I dated all of these guys (NOT AT THE SAME TIME) back in the 80's.
Posted by: crankycheryl | 06/16/2010 at 09:25 PM
Who hoo, Cheryl. We who lives in glass houses can't throw stones. But sometimes we do anyway. All these guys make me think of Kip in Napoleon Dynamite (Gosh!).
Posted by: professionaldawn | 06/17/2010 at 08:58 AM