Most of us would love to have an hour-glass figure. You know, a brick-house-36-24-36-Kardashian-va-va-voom kinda figure. Or a slighter more willowy gentler curved body. I myself would be happy to have a top half proportionate to my bottom half (or vice versa, perhaps). But my issues aside, it's important for us to realize when the hour-glass is stuffed with a little too much sand (as evidenced by the picture attached).
If you happen to be lucky enough to have one of these proportionate figures that is perhaps a size or two larger than when you were 18, here are some tips for looking smokin'-hot:
1) Let go of size. If you're over 21, you shouldn't even be considering Junior sizes - frankly, the cut - and styles - aren't going to work for you (unless you are built like a young boy. If you ARE built like a young boy, stop reading this).
2) Skim not squeeze. You want to choose materials and cuts that are going to flow over your curves not cut off your circulation. For example, buy jeans that fit your hips and thighs and go to a seamstress and have them alter the waist: for $25 - $30 you are going to have jeans that fit perfectly, look great, and accommodate the consumption of a meal without popping a seam. Buy a jacket that fits in the shoulders and hips and have the seamstress take in the extra material at the waist. This is good! This does not mean that you are fat - it means you have a molded, beautiful curvy figure. Rejoice!
3) Please go buy a new bra. I know lots of lovely women whose boobs hang low, left, right and every which way including loose. NOTE: Boobs look natural and youthful pointing pretty much forward and lifted somewhat over the rib cage. This look can be achieved by going to a good intimate apparel shop. The trained professionals will measure your rib cage (which will probably be smaller than you thought) and your boobs (your cup size will probably be a size bigger than you thought). Et voila! Your boobs will be front and center. A brassiere that fits the right way will emphasize the valid lady lumps and minimize those lady lumps that aren't supposed to be there.
4) If you're uncomfortable with your enhanced hour-glass figure, don't try to just cover it up. Wearing leggings and a huge shirt will just make you look larger. Here's a comfortable go-to outfit for shapely women: dark jeans (that fit comfortably - i.e. you had them tailored), a cute t-shirt that gathers underneath the bust (and make sure that the gather is UNDER the bust not ON the bust), and a cute jacket that cuts in at your waist. Try it, you'll like it.
5) The V-neck is your friend. I'm not talking a super deep V that shows lots of cleavage along with most of the girls. I'm talking about a modest V. A V-neck will lead people's eyes up to your face - it's like a frame for your neck and face. It also shows your clavicle - one of your "skinny bits," as my image guru Lynne Marks says. Try it, you'll like it.
6) Commit to shopping for the right pieces in the right places. It might not be fast but it can be rewarding.
7) And please oh please oh please, get rid of the Junior hipster jeans and too baggy or too tight t's.