I've been at a conference in beautiful Vancouver - Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). Now, you, not knowing image consultants might make certain assumptions (perhaps I'm making certain assumptions about you but let's go with that). In some of those assumptions you might be right. There was a lot of small talk about shoes (saw some fab Christian Loboutons and Jimmy Choos), swatches and jewelry. Everyone always told everyone that they looked fabulous. And there was a session on selecting perfumes.
But in some of your assumptions, you'll be way off. There were sessions on immunity to change, coaching strategies and color theory. People were very respectful and participatory. These image consultants, for the most part, are very professional. They are committed to education - for themselves and their clients. They are kind, open and welcoming. They are classy and sassy - not bling-heavy and shallow. And I only heard one cell phone jingle in a session.
Now, I've attended a few conferences - most as a vendor. And I've seen some outrageously rude behavior (unintentional or not). One time, at a training conference I saw a sales person at a booth pick up her cell phone while she was talking to a potential client. I can tell you unequivocally that not one image consultant, stylist or professional development coach had a phone growing out of his or her ear (there were about 8 men present - out of about 350 attendees - go men!). Whenever I had a conversation with someone, they were present.
AICI also completed a year of emphasis on civility. They kicked it off at last year's conference with a keynote from Dr. P.M. Forni; had ongoing promotion and fundraising for civility projects throughout the year; and brought it full circle at this conference by honoring Canadian etiquette expert Lew Bayer (congrats, Lew!). Peter Post also conducted an extended workshop and and shorter session.
I was also on an East meets West etiquette panel (that was an honor!). Represented on the panel were experts from Malaysia, Canada, India, the Philippines, China and the US (of course).
Looking forward to the conference next year in Orlando.